#Police abuse and blue privilege

This gives all new meaning to the phrase “Stop resisting”. Remember this guy when you get pulled over, especially if you are one of the people who believe that it would never happen to you because you don’t do anything wrong. Most folks are brainwashed into thinking that cops are the good guys; They are not. There are criminals in their lot just like every other segment of the population. They may be the good guy or they guy in this story. The only problem is they act under the color of law. You certainly wouldn’t pull over for a thug in a dark ghetto alley, but on a dark highway with cherries on you have no choice. Now you are under the control of a man, or men, with guns and hand cuffs. Give a man unlimited power, no witnesses and a gun and see what happens. Give a bunch of people the mistaken idea that these guys are heroes just doing the toughest job in the world and also see what happens. In the second story below from earlier this month, they cut a plea with this scumbag and let him off on the charges from one victim only. He got five years in prison, less than the penalty for income tax evasion.

“PHOENIX — Seven additional potential victims have come forward after a DPS trooper was arrested for alleged sex abuse, kidnapping and fraud, making the total number of potential victims 15, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

According to DPS, seven additional tips came into their office following the arrest of former Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper, 43-year-old Tremaine Jackson.

Jackson was arrested on September 10 and currently faces 61 counts of sex abuse, kidnapping and fraud.

According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Jackson was put on leave in June after a complaint that he sexually assaulted a woman during a traffic stop.

During the original DPS investigation, several other victims were discovered.

It is believed Jackson held several female victims hostage when they were not facing criminal charges.”




PHOENIX — A former Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper has been sentenced to five years in prison and lifetime probation for sexual abuse and kidnapping. 

Tremaine Jackson was arrested in 2019 after a woman said the trooper had pressured her to touch him before letting her go during a traffic stop in the Valley, according to court documents. Other women then came forward with similar allegations.

Jackson pleaded guilty to the following charges: 

  • Attempted kidnap with sexual intent
  • Unlawful imprisonment with sexual intent
  • Unlawful sexual conduct by a peace officer
  • Bribery with sexual intent
  • Fraud with sexual intent

Cops shoot down disabled, unarmed man, claim he confronted them

In the early morning hours of December 13th, 2022, officers from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department obtained a search warrant for a residence in Bear Paw, NC after a disturbance call made to 911 dispatch hours earlier.

In addition to obtaining the search warrant, officers from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department also requested assistance from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ SWAT team and a siege of the residence was conducted.

Just before 5 AM that morning, SWAT officers tossed a robot equipped with cameras into the residence and awoke the sleeping couple.

Video link here : https://rumble.com/v266e3y-firing-squad-at-5-am.html

Hero in Blue : #Florida police Chief rapes 14 year old then stalks her for years

They’re baackk! That’s right folks , it’s those wacky boys in blue! Hide the kids and warn the wife and hope that you or yours don’t get pulled over on a lonely highway by these high jinxing Florida public servants

“A former Central Florida police chief already facing charges for the sexual battery of a 14-year-old girl is now facing aggravated stalking charges.

William Ray Pruitt, 56, who is the former Center Hill police chief, was arrested in December of 2022 for allegedly sexually battering a then-14-year-old girl while using a deadly weapon in 2020.

According to an affidavit from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, the victim, now 16, did not tell anyone for two years because she was afraid. Documents state that Pruitt would harass the teen and threaten to kill himself.

According to court documents, in March of 2022, a sign appeared in a redacted location, apparently found by the victim, that referenced “Libby.” “Libby” is reportedly the name that Pruitt told the victim he would give their child if she became pregnant as a result of the sexual battery, as “Libby” is his mother’s name.

According to law enforcement, the teen reported Pruitt attempting to force her off the road while she was driving home from school in August of 2022. The same month, the teen says she was followed by a vehicle flashing its lights and honking its horn. The occupant of the vehicle, which she told police she recognized as an employee of Pruitt, handed her a piece of paper and said Pruitt wanted her to have it.”

Who’s pulling you over? : Hernando County Fl. deputy arrested for sexual battery on victim while on duty

Posted by James Timothy Jarrett

Talk about a Dept. that is rife with scumbags. Any time you google “Hernando county deputy arrested” you get a hit. The list is endless, from sexual assault to a guy burning a kids genitals as punishment. It seems that Hernando has a knack for hiring the nothing but the best. If you get pulled over in Hernando county Florida you should really wonder who the guy with gun and handcuffs really is

HERNANDO COUNTY, Fla. – A former Hernando County deputy was arrested for sexual battery after coercing a victim to have sexual relations with him, the sheriff’s office said. 

According to investigators, the former deputy, 30-year-old Zachary Carter, was in uniform and on duty during two different occasions earlier this year. The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office said Carter indicated that the victim would face arrest for failing to comply. 

A lengthy criminal investigation began, and Carter resigned from the sheriff’s office once he was notified of the investigation. The former deputy worked with the sheriff’s office from 2018 to 2022 and had no previous disciplinary actions in his file, officials said. 


Ulvade and the end of the illusion of the “Hero” cop

I haven’t updated this page in a while because frankly, I haven’t needed to. The video age is now overtaking the crooked cop. No more are the days of “he said” “she said” with a judge automatically siding with the “Sworn officer of the court”. Now there is video evidence to back up almost every claim of abuse by police put forward. Take George Floyd as an example. Every cop,sucker in the nation will swear to you that Floyd died of a Fentynal overdose. They will swear that Chauvin was a hero and he was railroaded by angry negroes. But what they can’t change is the video. They can’t change a man begging for his life while Chauvin, with blatant disregard, smirkingly applies his knee to his neck. The hero of it all .Chauvin, just before his sentencing, admitted that he knew that what he did was wrong. And that is the story of policing in America. As long as no one is looking they are heroes. Without video, the Floyd incident would have been chalked up to “Heroes” who subdued a dangerous and violent drug addict.

Now that takes us to the debacle of Ulvade. Those cops had constant training in how to deal with just such an incident. Only 2 months prior they were given the below material :

As a matter of fact the Ulvade school system was locked down 43 times in the prior year. Let that sink in along with the training material. Who is the villain here? The deranged , twisted shooter or the absolute cowards who stood by while children were being slaughtered? I propose that one is as bad as the other. I will guarantee that anyone of the said hero cops who pulls people over or makes minor arrests throws their asses all over the place being the tough guy extraordinaire. As long as they are the only one with a gun and have 40 people for back up. they truly are hard ass heroes in blue. But Ulvade has truly shown America who it is that is charged with protecting and serving. I am sure that you have heard about the hero that was getting a haircut and got a text from his school teacher wife. He rushed out with a borrowed shotgun and headed to the school immediately…….. To rescue his wife and kid. He helped some other cops escort some kids out and was done. Meanwhile there were dying children on the other side of the door. These cowards had as much a hand in this as the actual shooter. This has exposed in brazen glare what American policing is about…. As long as they go home safely that is all that matters. First Parkland and now this. The police state cares about nothing but it’s own “Soldiers”. The days of protecting and serving are such a thing of the past that hardly anyone remembers it any more. Children are now raised on the fare of watching police beat and abuse people on tiktok, facebook and youtube. But that is nothing compared to what happened at Robb elementary. They have been exposed with shocking clarity for what they are….. Cowards of the worst kind. They were not there to serve and protect, they were there to collect a paycheck and nothing more. Those children were not worth them risking their blue lives for. It is a truly deplorable situation that finally exposed them for what they are. It wasn’t one man, it wasn’t two. It was the entire assembled force that was present including the Feds. The chief said in not so many words that they were afraid to go in because they might get shot. Wow, what a statement that is for a police force. So many fearful men running around with guns doesn’t seem safe when they can kill at will because they “Fear for their life”. They don’t fear for your life that much or for children’s obviously, but theirs are important enough to kill someone over a broken tail light. It is a sad statement on America’s police forces that websites like mine even need to exist. But until America rises up against the established police system and re invents it I guess it will have to. But in the mean time if I see a cop that needs back up, don’t expect me to risk my life to help; that time has long passed.

Think that you cannot effect change? We all have a voice

This blog was not started to be vindictive. It was started after a grave injustice was meted out at the hands of corrupt police and it was birthed to effect change and bring justice to those who have been denied any. There have been times that this journey has brought me to anger; not only on my account but on the account of those I report on, but that has not been the primary goal of this blog. Below is the primary goal : 80% of NYPD cops are “Hesitant to aggressively fight crime” because of repercussions from the citizens they are sworn to protect. This comes from a city that paid out over $68 million in fiscal year 2019 to settle abuse lawsuits against the NYPD. It is good to see that cameras, phones and concerned citizens are finally putting a stop to the unbridled and rampant abuse by one of the nations most notorious police Dept. I am hopeful that with continued vigilance this trend away from injustice and violence will continue.


More than half of NYPD officers wish they never joined the force, according to a large internal survey.

An internal New York Police Department survey of nearly 6,000 officers found that 56% of NYPD cops say they wouldn’t become a police officer if they had a chance to do it all over again, according to the New York Post.

When asked if they feel the public disrespects them, 46% of officers believed they are disrespected versus 42% who didn’t believe so. The officers were asked if the public distrusts them, and 44% agreed while 41% disagreed. There were 73% of police poll participants who said the public does not have a good relationship with the NYPD.

A whopping 80% of NYPD officers, detectives, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains are hesitant to aggressively fight crime because of the ramifications of criminal liability, being sued, or being unfairly disciplined.

“My retirement date is next month,” said a 20-year veteran of the force. “I can’t wait to run out of here.”

Read the original here: https://www.theblaze.com/news/nypd-police-survey-left-politics

Don’t worry, the police will be coming to save you

James Timothy Jarrett

Los Angeles’s most dangerous criminal gangs have different names — the Banditos, the Executioners, the Wayside Whities — they occupy different turfs, they sport distinctive identifying tattoos, and they carry on intense rivalries with one another. But their members all have one thing in common.

They are all Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies.

A new report on deputy gangs from the RAND Corporation is, in spite of its antiseptic language, one of those rare things that simply must be read to be believed. It is a document that should be studied and preserved.

Like the mafias of old and the Folk Nation/People Nation mobs that evolved during Chicago’s golden age of street gangs, the gangs of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) serve a variety of social and criminal purposes. They have their roots in the bonding experience of men (and women, but — who are we trying to kid? — mostly men) who have been through difficult and dangerous experiences together. They are partly social in character, providing a sense of belonging and status to their members. They act as mutual-aid societies, exchanging favors and help ranging from the commonplace to the criminal.

As with the old street gangs, there are two very good ways to get an invitation to join: commit a crime or shoot somebody.

These gangs — the RAND report, honoring the sociological pretense, calls them only “subgroups” — are involved in a variety of crimes, from covering up police misconduct to extortion, including extortion targeting lower-ranking deputies, who are forced into “paying rent to work at a station” in the pursuit of a desirable posting. LASD staff told researchers that violence against prisoners in custody is used as a test to “get your ink,” which is to say, as part of a gang-initiation ritual.

These subgroups are associated with varying forms of misconduct in the community and within the department, including the violation of constitutional rights, use of excessive force, a glorification of shootings committed by deputies, and fostering a code of silence, as well as bullying, harassment, intimidation of and retaliation toward other department members, resistance to supervision, and establishment of subgroup symbols and tattoos.

The Gangs of L.A.

Hero in Blue pulls gun on woman after road rage incident

This is the same guy who pulls you over on a dark highway. I am sure this is not his first incident, seeing the nature of the beast. Guess he just did it to the wrong person this time

“ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A Prince George’s County police officer accused of pointing his duty weapon at another driver while off duty in Annapolis has been charged with assault and suspended without pay, county police announced Thursday.

Cpl. James Thornley was traveling home from work in his personal vehicle on Aug. 26 and was still in uniform when the alleged incident happened, police said in a news release. No one was injured.

Charging documents state that a woman reported that a truck cut off her vehicle on Route 50 and she got out to ask “Why are you trying to kill me?” after both vehicles left the highway, The Washington Post reported. Thornley pointed a firearm at her and threatened to shoot if she didn’t get back, charging documents state.

When Annapolis police interviewed Thornley at his home, he told officers that he saw a “blue Honda” driving aggressively, charging documents said. He told police that he brandished his firearm, pointed it in her direction and told her to get away.

Thornley is being held without bond. A call to an attorney listed in Thornley’s court records seeking comment wasn’t immediately returned.


Do you think they are creating this police state for no reason?

The Los Angeles police department (LAPD) has directed its officers to collect the social media information of every civilian they interview, including individuals who are not arrested or accused of a crime, according to records shared with the Guardian.

A lawsuit charges that the Rodeo Drive task force has been stopping and arresting Black people without cause.

Read more

Copies of the “field interview cards” that police complete when they question civilians reveal that LAPD officers are instructed to record a civilian’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts, alongside basic biographical information. An internal memo further shows that the police chief, Michel Moore, told employees that it was critical to collect the data for use in “investigations, arrests, and prosecutions”, and warned that supervisors would review cards to ensure they were complete.

The documents, which were obtained by the not-for-profit organization the Brennan Center for Justice, have raised concerns about civil liberties and the potential for mass surveillance of civilians without justification.

“There are real dangers about police having all of this social media identifying information at their fingertips,” said Rachel Levinson-Waldman, a deputy director at the Brennan Center, noting that the information was probably stored in a database that could be used for a wide range of purposes.”

Furthermore, when police obtain social media usernames it opens the door for officers to monitor an individual’s connections and “friends” online, creating additional privacy concerns. “It allows for a huge expansion of network surveillance,” said Levinson-Waldman, noting how police and prosecutors have previously used Facebook photos and “likes” to make dubious or false allegations of criminal gang activity.

Hamid Khan of the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition noted that the LAPD also shares data with federal law enforcement agencies through “fusion centers”, and has previously used “predictive policing” technologies that rely on data collected by officers in the field and which can criminalize communities of color.

“This is like stop and frisk,” he said, of the use of field interview cards. “And this is happening with the clear goal of surveillance.” The LAPD, he noted, has allowed officers to pose undercover to investigate groups, meaning officers can create fake social media accounts to infiltrate groups.
